
Focusing on the company's manufacturing strengths, Al Gillidary has built a reputation as manufacturer of quality shades canopies in design, fabrication and installation of car parking shades at an affordable price, coupled with world-class customer service.

Because we know your time is valuable, our team of dedicated employees consist of a professional, well-trained, knowledgeable in structural steel fabrication, certified welders, and manufacturing facility, we’ve streamlined our process to be simple and pain free. Shade canopies allow you to escape the hot sun and retreat under a cool, shaded area in any outdoor setting.

These canopies provide comfort and relaxation in any setting:

  1. Tensile shades

  2. Car parking shades

  3. Smart shades

  4. And all types of fabric shade structure including

  5. Backyard swimming pools

  6. Sporting event a shade

Our products are designed by industry designers and engineers who possess the special expertise and experience that may also require by government standards.

Everywhere shade canopies are popular choice for many commercial businesses, that creates the perfect shade solution, great way to add privacy, protection and interest to outdoor spaces but may also be used for decorative purposes, or to give emphasis to a route or part of a building typically intended to provide shelter from the rain or sun.

From concept to implementation our products are designed and build confidently able to provide shade or shelter from weather conditions.

Observation and attention to quality factor, choose between numerous style, colors, and options to fully customize and fit your needs, taste and budget.

Into the world of customer support has proven to be timely and professional.

Going forward, Al Gillidary expects to exceed the standard to other product lines, while maintaining the same high quality customer service.

We will remain an industry leader for many years to come and to stand behind the promise to never deliver anything but the best.